The After School Program builds empathy for and a connection to nature through a 12-week program. Each program includes nature mentorship, unstructured play, child-led inquiry, and exploration in and around the schoolyard and nearby natural areas.

Thorne delivers its one-day per week, twelve-week After School Program at Boulder and Broomfield County elementary schools. Unstructured time outdoors in and around the schoolyard with a mentor is the key component of the After School Program. The program is non-prescriptive and participant-led, evolving to meet the unique needs, skills and expertise, and desires of participants and allowing flexibility to adapt to the changing seasons and weather.
Each week, a new activity is introduced that encourages curiosity and wonder and helps facilitate the participant’s unstructured explorations and play. Activities are planned around a whole-child approach to learning that enhances a student’s knowledge (head), actions (hands), beliefs and feelings (heart), and place-based sense of belonging (feet). Together the activities and unstructured time outdoors allow students to build an emotional connection to nature that reinforces classroom learning and motivates them to incorporate nature into their everyday lives.
For more information read the FAQ provided below. For any questions or inquiries, please contact our School Programs team at or 303.499.3647.

“At Thorne’s After School programs the children learn how to exercise their curiosity and acquire knowledge about ecosystems. Thorne’s engaging and enthusiastic instructors enable our children to explore the natural world and gain confidence.”
Ryan Elementary After School Parent
We know that parents need answers to lots of questions before they decide on after school care for their children. We have compiled answers to a list of the most popular questions parents ask Thorne about our After School program and encourage you to contact our School Programs team at or call 303.499.3647 if you have additional questions.
The After School Program gives students an increased sense of wonder, attention to detail, and awareness of their surroundings. Research shows that unstructured time in nature, the key component of the After School Program, fosters academic achievement, improves physical health, helps supports social and emotional learning, and develops active imaginations. The connection to nature that is built through the program helps participants to develop an ethic of environmental stewardship.
The After-School Program is facilitated by Thorne’s highly trained and experienced full-time team of educators. Whenever possible, the same educator leads all twelve weeks of the program, thereby creating a mentor relationship with participants.
Thorne’s After School program is offered to a school for $3,000 for the 12-week program.
The rate that schools charge parents is variable. Please ask your school for more information.
Thorne Nature Experience never wants the cost of programs to be a barrier. We are dedicated to working with schools and families to ensure that everyone can participate in our programming.
Start and end dates vary by school. Typically the twelve-week sessions begin in either mid to late September (fall) or early February (spring).
We offer programming for Kindergarten-Fifth Grade.
Families will typically receive information about Thorne’s After School Program through student take home folders in early September and early January. Families sign up for Thorne’s After School Program through coordinators at each elementary school. New enrollments are accepted at the beginning of each school semester.
If you are a parent, speak to your child’s teacher and principal and encourage them to reach out to Thorne. If you are a teacher or school administrator, please contact our School Programs team at or by calling 303.499.3647. Please note: Thorne requires a minimum of six months lead time to establish an After School Program at a new school.
We do our best to support all learners. We support Spanish speakers by providing some program materials in Spanish. Please let our School Programs team know how we can best support your school’s needs.
The program takes place at school and typically begins immediately following the end of the school day. Participants spend the majority of the program outside in the schoolyard and at nearby natural areas when weather and resources allow.
In addition to unstructured time outside with a mentor, activities may include: nature journaling, mapping, wildlife tracking, bird watching, catching insects, creek-side exploration, imaginative play, building forts, creating art, taking photographs, using field guides, stewardship activities, and so much more!
The school is responsible for paying for the After School Program, less any discounts received from Thorne to fund the participation of scholarship students. The school collects registration forms and any fees due from parents. The school must also provide a classroom or indoor space that is available for any indoor activities planned by the Thorne instructor or in case of inclement weather. Typically, one member of the school staff must be on site during the After School Program; however, this rule can sometimes be waived.
Thorne provides a light snack for each participant at schools where a snack isn’t already provided. Gluten, dairy, and nut-free options are available upon request.