The In-School Program generates enthusiasm for the natural world while expanding students’ knowledge in the areas of science and literacy. Each program consists of a three-class series of lessons that involve interactive explorations, scientific instruments and specimens, and a reflective activity.

Thorne delivers its three-visit In-School Program to students in grades k-5 at Boulder Valley and St. Vrain Valley School District Schools and at select schools in Adams County and Douglas County. Each participating classroom selects from a list of topics.
The first two visits are inquiry‐based and focus on engaging students with content, and the third visit allows students to elaborate on their learning by completing a reflective activity.
CLICK HERE for a list of all 10 topics offered along with descriptions, grade levels, and state science and common core standards addressed.
For more information read the FAQ provided below or contact Thorne’s School Programs team at To schedule an In-School Program for your classroom, contact

“The instructor engaged the students in every way. Students learned vocabulary and concepts by being actively involved. Students incorporated the learning into their play at recess- that is how exciting the instructor made learning!”
– Karen Carter, Resource Room Administrator
We know that teachers need answers to lots of questions before they decide to invite an outside organization into their classroom. We have compiled answers to a list of the most popular questions teachers ask Thorne each year and encourage you to e-mail or call 303.499.3647 if you would like to speak directly to a staff member about any questions you have regarding Thorne’s fun and educational In-School Program.
Thorne’s In-School program expands students’ knowledge and interest in the areas of science and literacy, resulting in accelerated vocabulary and a significant increase in knowledge of Colorado Academic Standards for Science. Through Thorne’s fun and engaging programs, students are motivated to connect their experiences to other classroom activities and beyond, ultimately helping to build the next generation of environmental stewards.
In-School Programs are facilitated by Thorne’s highly trained and experienced full-time team of educators. Thorne strives to have the same educator teach across grade levels at the same schools for multiple years, thereby creating a deep bond between the Thorne staff members and the school’s students and teachers.
The cost for the In-School Program is $575 for three classroom visits.
Thorne Nature Experience never wants the cost of programs to be a barrier. We are dedicated to working with schools to ensure we can visit.
The majority of registrations for Thorne’s In-School Programs occur in the late summer and early fall. Be sure to register as early as possible as space is limited. Contact our School Programs team at or 303.499.3647 to register.
Multiple classroom visits allow students to participate in a more in‐depth exploration of science topics and research shows that repeated experiences positively impact the development of environmental stewardship.
We do our best to support all learners. We support Spanish speakers by providing some program materials in Spanish. Please let our School Programs team know how we can best support your classroom.
The In-School Program is delivered in the school classroom and typically occur at the same time and day for three consecutive weeks (for example, three Tuesdays in a row at the same time).
Instructors usually arrive 15-20 min. early to set-up.
Instructors generally require space on a chalkboard/whiteboard and access to an electrical outlet. We will work with your current classroom arrangement. During the third visit, instructors show slides and need an area to project images (like a screen, whiteboard, or blank wall space).
Teachers should remain in the classroom during the program. They are encouraged to join students in their explorations and science activities.
Consider taking 5-10 minutes before the first visit to create a “What We Already Know About [program topic]” list with your students. During the program, students will often be working in small groups, so a review of strategies for working collaboratively is always helpful.