Delaney Crossan

Delaney (she/her/hers) hails from Wyoming, fostering her affinity for nature. A decade ago, she began nurturing young minds, aiding families experiencing homelessness. Tutoring school-aged children and designing programs for ages 2 to 5, she gained invaluable insights into relationship-building which shape her approach. Her passion for connecting children to nature arises from recognizing nature’s pivotal role in enhancing children’s well-being, creativity, resilience, and belonging. She marvels at children’s inherent curiosity and believes nature-based learning uniquely nourishes this trait. A champion of equal learning opportunities, Delaney strives to create an inclusive community where all children are embraced. She often reflects on the words of Brené Brown: “The revolution won’t be televised because it will be happening in classrooms.” Delaney’s approach encompasses reverence for children in every facet, from guidance to curriculum. An advocate for children, her aspiration is to inspire others to regard children with the respect they deserve.